The co-responsibility of civil society in the self-regulation of journalistic climate change coverage




Climate change, journalism, ethics, deontological codes, self-regulation, guides


This study allows us to know the ten proposals published with the main recommendations for reporting on climate change and to determine what type of deontological mechanisms are being formed in relation to the origin of these guides. The results show that, in what we can call a second generation of ethical codes focused on specific issues, civil society through non-governmental organizations emerges as a new actor taking the initiative regarding the need for self-regulation, in a broad sense, of the informative practices, contrasting with the initiative coming from journalist associations and/or media organizations.


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How to Cite

Mercado, Maite. 2023. “The Co-Responsibility of Civil Society in the Self-Regulation of Journalistic Climate Change Coverage”. International Journal of Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences 2 (1): 65-82.

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