University and the transfer of knowledge
University, transfer, knowledgeAbstract
What is the function of the university today is one of the tasks that those of us who are dedicated to it should ask ourselves. A brief overview of the conceptions and models of the university since the industrial revolution is presented. Transfer emerges as the third mission of the academic that must drive social change and development. The contributions of the university community in terms of knowledge transfer are far behind those of other countries in our environment. Only approximately 1% of international patents come from Spanish research. This gap between the two spheres highlights the need to encourage knowledge transfer as the third helix of an interactive and dynamic university model in dialogue with institutions and social agents.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aingeru Genault Arratibel, María José Cantalapiedra, Juan Carlos Suárez Villegas, Sara Loiti Rodríguez (Autor/a)
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