The efficient transfer of university-generated knowledge
an impossible mission?
Although until relatively recently the transmission of knowledge from the university (or from research centres) to society was of little concern, nowadays, with information flowing through so many different media, no one could conceive of hermeticism on the part of institutions. I believe that great efforts are being made to make research results accessible to the general public; I also understand that it is imperative to do so with seriousness, proximity and rigour. Why? In my opinion, there are three fundamental reasons for doing so. Firstly, the obligation on the part of institutions (at least public institutions or those that receive state funding) to justify how the funds that reach them are managed. Secondly, to increase the scientific culture of the public, who, through a good dissemination of the knowledge generated in these centres, could have better criteria on many issues, and therefore be freer. And thirdly, and related to the second, to fight against the "pandemic" of disinformation, hoaxes and the constant manipulation to which practically all information is subjected.
Copyright (c) 2023 Marta Macho Stadler (Autor/a)
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