Risks and consequences for adolescents in relation to the use of algorithms and the provision of data on the Internet and Artificial Intelligence
This research focuses on exploring the vulnerability of adolescents in their data privacy and decision-making when using Artificial Intelligence. It is a qualitative study applied to young people between 16 and 17 years of age, through three focus group sessions. The results of the investigation indicate that the interviewees had free access to the Internet on a tablet, computer or phone during puberty, without parental supervision, which caused them to be exposed to dangers such as extortion, scams or sexual harassment. In addition, they reported problematic use of online games and social networks, as they are often hooked on their consumption. Media literacy is absent in the parents and young people who participated in the research, and there is a lack of knowledge of the risks that can exist both on the Internet and in Artificial Intelligence. This work will be delivered to the area of basic education pedagogy in the Ministry of Education of the State of Nuevo Leon, Mexico, which will allow for a second investigation to be carried out to develop workshops for parents and children on media literacy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Dra Marlen Yadari Pérez Viveros, Dra Moncerrat Arango Morales (Autor/a)
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