Classical painting as a didactic resource to reflect on communication theories




Communication Theories, art, students, didactic resources, mixed methodology, survey


This paper shows the experience implemented at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), in which classical paintings have been used to explain Communication Theories. The practice, carried out in the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, aims to help establish meaningful relationships between subjects and concepts. Methodology: A mixed methodology has been used. Based on several examples of classical paintings, students have been explained how to reflect and draw conclusions from the theory taught in lectures. In addition, a survey was carried out among the participating students to find out their opinion on this pioneering exercise. Results: The students are more intrepid when it comes to establishing relationships between the paintings and the theory and conceive questions that would be difficult to pose without an exercise of this type. The survey confirms that students feel at ease with this practice, which motivates them and even increases their desire to interact in class. Conclusions: The results allow us to conclude that the use of paintings as a didactic resource is a valid strategy that should be taken into account by teachers of this type of subjects.


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How to Cite

Argiñano, Argiñano, and Udane Goikoetxea-Bilbao. 2023. “Classical Painting As a Didactic Resource to Reflect on Communication Theories”. International Journal of Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences 2 (1): 5-21.

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