Native advertising in Vale’s reparation process after the dam collapse in Brumadinho




discourse of renewal, native advertising, brand journalism, Brumadinho, qualitative content analysis


On 25th January 2019, the mining company Vale’s B1 tailings dam collapsed in the city of Brumadinho (Minas Gerais), becoming Brazil’s largest labour accident in terms of number of fatalities, as well as a socio-environmental disaster that affected 26 municipalities along the Paraopeba river basin. Its consequences are still felt by the communities, three victims are missing and there are transnational litigations against the involved corporate companies. This research aims to understand how Vale’s institutional communication occurs in the reparation process of the damages caused by the dam collapse, with a focus on the discourse of renewal adopted by the company in five native advertising pieces published on Estado de Minas newspaper’s portal between 2020 and 2022. Through a qualitative content analysis, it was possible to observe its strategy when using brand journalism to communicate with its audiences. It was not possible to see an ethical communication nor an effective organisational rhetoric. Future research could question Vale’s communication officers the option for native ads instead of traditional advertising or press office work, as well as ask Estado de Minas’ editors about the risks and opportunities of producing and/or publishing this type of sponsored content.


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How to Cite

Arratia Concha, Wagner Rodrigo, and Natália Huf. 2023. “Native Advertising in Vale’s Reparation Process After the Dam Collapse in Brumadinho”. International Journal of Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences 2 (2): 92-108.

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