The aesthetics of social class in La Grande Bellezza


  • Júlia Vilasís-Pamos Universitat Pompeu Fabra Author



Jacques Rancière, Paolo Sorrentino, social class, aesthetics


This essay introduces Jacques Rancière's philosophical ideas and analyzes Paolo Sorrentino's La Grande Bellezza (2013). It explores the film’s cinematic aesthetics and the system of distances, linking Rancière’s concept of the sensible world with the film’s portrayal of the Italian upper class. The discussion addresses the dual structure of beauty and societal critique, the redistribution of roles and perceptions, and the relationship between aesthetics, ethics, and politics. Through Rancière's lens, the essay delves into the film's imagery, emphasizing the importance of critical art in transforming the spectator into an active participant in society.


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Author Biography

  • Júlia Vilasís-Pamos, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Júlia Vilasís-Pamos holds a PhD in Communication from UPF with cum laude and international mention (Temple University, USA). Her thesis has been awarded a special mention in the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia Awards (CAC) and a runner-up prize for the Best Doctoral Thesis written in Catalan (UPF). Vilasís-Pamos is an expert in qualitative methodology applied to the study of social class and the popular culture. She has published in indexed journals such as Information, Communication & Society, Convergence, and International Journal of Communication and has actively participated in ten competitive research projects.
    She is currently a postdoctoral researcher in the POLCOM research group at UPF, an affiliated UOC and UIB teaching staff, and the ECOINDIE-Games project's principal investigator, funded by the Planetary Wellbeing Initiative (UPF).


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How to Cite

Vilasís-Pamos, Júlia. 2024. “The Aesthetics of Social Class in La Grande Bellezza”. International Journal of Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences 3 (1): 65-70.

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