
a systemic view of knowledge transfer


  • Emilio Fernández Peña Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Author
  • Natividad Ramajo Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Author



transfer, sports, industry, innovation


Speaking of transfer is speaking of communicating, of connecting basic and, above all, applied research with the industrial fabric to create new products that solve people's needs and offer high added value. This is an ideal situation for any industry and for any country. However, the difficulties are not few, research is scarce and depends mostly on governments and the proper communication, the transfer, of research to industry is difficult. In this context, sport is an ideal environment for the introduction of innovation through transfer due to its economic and social importance. Thus, the Spanish sports industry accounts for 3.3% of Spain's GDP and generates more than 400,000 direct jobs (PWC, 2020).


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How to Cite

Fernández Peña , Emilio, and Natividad Ramajo. 2022. “Sports: A Systemic View of Knowledge Transfer”. International Journal of Research and Transfer in Communication and Social Sciences 1 (1): 25-30.

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